My practice questions the world we inhabit and envisions the one we will leave behind. Through collaborations and choreographed interactions with living and non-living systems, I construct performative sculptures and installations that incorporate familiar objects interacting in unfamiliar ways to challenge the framework of our everyday world. Reflecting on my background in research science, I combine elements of scientific investigation and material exploration. Experimental play transforms into poetic contemplation as I embed organic materials, such as teeth, brain coral, and sensitive plants, within a synthetic world of hand sanitizers, polystyrene, and the magenta glow of LED grow lights to render the science fiction nature of our reality. I collect, deconstruct, and recombine materials to create chimeras that reflect on the existential trauma of our persistent environmental anxiety. These ephemeral constructions allude to their impermanence and, by proxy, our own.


Christopher Lin is a Brooklyn-based artist and educator with a background in research science. Fueled by a lifelong obsession with fossils, his experimental installations, sculptures, and performances question the world we inhabit and envision the one we will leave behind. Often collaborating with non-human organisms and wider ecologies, his time-based works synthesize elements of environmental ecology with Zen poetics to explore the interconnected nature of our material world.

After receiving a BA from Yale University and an MFA from Hunter College, Lin received the C12 Emerging Artist Award in 2016. He has shown work and performed throughout New York City, including at: SVA Curatorial Practice, ABC No Rio, Recess Art, Flux Factory, Wave Hill, the United Nations Headquarters, the Bronx Museum, and the Queens Museum. He was a 2020 Bronx Museum AIM Emerging Artist Fellow, a 2022 Wave Hill Winter Workspace Artist-in-Residence, and a 2023 Swale Lab + Urban Soils Resident Artist. He currently teaches at Hunter College and Parsons, The New School and is co-director of the research-based artist collective, Sprechgesang Institute.